Leave stress out the window this holiday season…

🎄 Oh what a joyful and beautiful time of the year, for some. As for others, the holiday season can be a stressful one. Family coming over, traveling, demands, giving gifts and so much more in order to make the holiday special. I figured since I have been doing this for 34 years I will make a list of things to leave behind this season so you can have a great time!

Here we go…

  1. Gifts– only give gifts if you have the money to buy them. Don’t go in debt to give a gift with money you don’t have. Instead give others the gift of your company. Invite them to the movies, make them dinner, a stroll in the museum, or anything else creative and cost effective for your wallet and peace of mind. Also, remember you can give gifts any time of the year- so if you end up having more $$ later on, feel free to surprise your loved ones with a nice gift.
  2. Family demands– only attend events you want to go and you will have fun. “Oh, but the family tradition is to do this here, every year and I have to go” …Ok I get it, go for an hour and then leave- “see you later!” Why? It’s a special day that should be celebrate with people who make you feel welcome and happy. If those people are the family you choose (friends), so be it! Also, same goes with inviting people you don’t like to your home because you have to. Why? Why do that to yourself? Think about that.
  3. Learn to say no– a lot of people demand so many things from you during the holidays. “Go and get this”, “I want these 30 toys”, “Decor this and that”. For those who are people pleasers and love hosting – you do it! But for those, who prefer relaxing and having a nice time without stress, stay away from this type of requests and learn to say no.
  4. Organization– I praised myself for being the ultimate organizer. When it comes to traveling I have it all set up to the tea : flight at 12, airport at 10, eat at 9, hair by 8, wake up by 7 and so on… I make mental list in my mind and sometimes a checklist to make my days easier and clearer. So, I suggest doing the same if during this holiday you have several engagements and you are traveling.
  5. Stop with the FOMO– If social media pictures makes you cringe and jealous cause you want to be skiing, hiking, swimming, but you can’t go, stop it and let it go. Embrace what you have, be grateful of your surroundings and make the best of it. Don’t compare your life to others.
  6. Gratitude– be grateful for the things and people you have in your life. During this season I have been practicing gratitude and meditation every morning. Let me tell you it puts things in perspective and my days go easier and brighter. It’s a treat, trust me!
  7. Give yourself a gift– sometimes we are so caught up by giving others, that we forget about our important self. Take yourself on a date. Gift yourself the gift you desire. Remember, if you’re happy with yourself, you will be a happy towards others.
  8. Last but not least, make a goal list or visualization board– I made a list earlier December with the goals I want to achieve for the next 6 months. This helps me organize myself for the new year coming up and I suggest you it as well. Feels great to have a little guideline and refer back every now and then to put you back on your feet. Can you believe it? 2020! Pff

That’s it my dear virtual friends! Hope you have a great holiday season and please remember to not sweat the small stuff. Put on some music and enjoy your time! 🎄😀



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