That kiss…

She remembers like it was yesterday. She sat on the bench at the park looking at the same spot she once shared with you. It’s been awhile from the last time she saw you and she still remembers how you looked at her and how you made her feel.

The loneliness that she felt in that moment was unbearable, even if the park was full with people. For many months she pretend to be happy, but something inside of her was missing. She could not understand why she was thinking of you after so many months.

She thought how quickly time passes by. She understood that some people aren’t meant to be in her life forever. She remember all the people who weren’t longer there. She felt sad because she had a boyfriend and she still thought of you.

Maybe when you met her you felt like you knew her all your life… something about her was different. She was charming with you, made you laugh and she’s one of the most beautiful girls you had seem. Long smooth hair, beautiful skin and amazing smile.  You probably felt in love with her too. But, she never knew.

The bench she was sitting at the park had a plate. The message on it said, “Margaret, with all my love forever, Donald”. She felt nostalgic, but at the same time happy. She knew that love is possible, even if it wasn’t with you.

Then she remembers, like it was yesterday, that fall afternoon…

How you managed to pull her hair away from her face… you look at her like there’s no tomorrow. You didn’t even blink, you stared at her with pure emotion and desire. She was so nervous and excited at the same time.  She really hide it well. You touched her face by the side and reached her lips with yours. It was magical for her. So gentle for a few seconds and so passionate the other seconds. It was like 2 minutes without catching a break from air. She knew right and there, she was completely in love with you, and still was.

“What happened?”, she thought for months. You let her go away. You were selfish, proud and stubborn. You wanted all. She tried to reach you, but she’s been hurt too many times before and she understood that sometimes is better to let go. She spent her birthday, Christmas eve, and special holidays thinking of you. One night she was so drunk, she cried until she felt asleep. Rejection is a bitch. She never heard of you. That broke her heart all over again.

One day, while she was with her boyfriend before going to bed, she read this:  “Your past is not cursed nor does it bind you; rather it provides you with the material for self-improvement and presents a range of ways that should be avoided in the future to achieve happiness.”

That moment she decided to start emotionally letting you go. That day, she made love to her boyfriend like never did before. She understood you were gone and all she can do is give herself a chance to start over again.

She decided to buried that kiss in her mind until that day on the park. Why she went to that spot again? Why she couldn’t stop thinking of you that March? Why she missed you so much?

She didn’t even knew. It was not possible she still loved you. She thought, “Maybe all I have left of him are my memories.”

Few months later…she was inform that you were very ill by March. You were diagnosed with a bad condition for a lifetime. That’s how she realized you really were stuck beneath her skin. She understood that doesn’t matter what happened between you two, but what she felt when she was with you was real. Now she wish you the best.

Thanks for reading! “Be careful who you kiss.”



Ps. Fiction and reality. 🙂


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