The practice of no-judgment…

It seems very easy to place the judgment card to others when it comes to things that we don’t understand. Human beings judge others almost like a normal and natural habit. And yet, while it is in our nature to be judgmental, I don’t think it’s always useful to us.

We look down on others, as if we are so much better … and that creates division between people. We tend to fuse with our judgments and perceive them as reality.

“Judging is acting on limited knowledge. Learn the art of observing without evaluating.” Pushpa Rana

Here some questions I asked myself :Are humans limited on knowledge? Why people judge others? Are we defining ourselves when we judge others? Then again, What is reality? What’s your reality? What’s my reality? What is real? What is right?

Here is a quote by Don Miguel Ruiz from his book, The Four Agreements, that captures the essence of this topic:

“We make the assumption that everyone sees life the way we do. We assume that others think the way we think, feel the way we feel, judge the way we judge, and abuse the way we abuse. This is the biggest assumption that humans make. And this is why we have a fear of being ourselves around others. Because we think everyone else will judge us, victimize us, abuse us, and blame us as we do ourselves. So even before others have a chance to reject us, we have already rejected ourselves. That is the way the human mind works.”

My 2 cents: I do believe when we judge others it’s not a reflection of who they are, but a reflection of ourself.

With that being said, what can we do to practice non-judgment?

1. Create awareness – If you find yourself being judgmental, stop yourself. Stop and think where these thoughts are coming from. When you are aware then go to the next step: don’t pass the judgment.

2. Be kind – be kind to yourself, to the ideas in your mind, to the words unspoken and to the ones that you will pass on.

3. Be compassionate – try to understand that everyone else is in a different path. They don’t feel and think as same as you. Bring compassion to your daily life to avoid judgment.

4. Acceptance – Once you understand where your thoughts are coming from and who this person is, then you accept them. Doesn’t matter what religion or ideology this person might have. Don’t try to change them, just accept.

5. Love – Once you do all the above, then you love. Doesn’t matter if you don’t know the person, just try to love them. We are all in the world trying to live, trying to be better, and trying to survive. Love is the greatest equation to do things right.

Hope this post find you well and please give this note to yourself when others are judging you:

You can’t control how other people receive your energy and your actions. Anything you do or say gets filtered through the lens of whatever they are going through at the moment, which is not about YOU. Bring compassion and awareness to your daily life.

Just keep doing your thing with as much integrity and LOVE as possible.

Love, love, love,

Read more here: 10 Reasons to Stop Judging People



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