
The practice of no-judgment…

It seems very easy to place the judgment card to others when it comes to things that we don’t understand. Human beings judge others almost like a normal and natural habit. And yet, while it is in our nature to be judgmental, I don’t think it’s always useful to us. We look down on others, …

Discovering who your partner is while traveling…

Do couples that travel together stay together? Think again. People say that traveling with your partner can strengthen the relationship and yes, that’s true if you guys are from the get go very compatible, but what happens when you are not? Traveling with your significant other can be a new discovery for your relationship. My …

Start by giving love to others…

TODAY is a great day to think deeply in how we give our love to others. I believe the word love has many meanings for every person. I believe it’s a very personal experience for everyone and I do not intent to give meaning to it. However, I do intent to talk about healthy love. Healthy …

Needles and butterflies kisses…

  Hi lovelies, It’s been awhile since my last post. So much that the domain got bought!! How I let that happened? Well, life happened to me. Like everything in life… I went through an awesome positive and happy period to a not happy period last year. In there I lost my ability to feel …

Opening our hearts…

Opening our hearts is one of the most difficult tasks people encounter in life. We have come so accustomed to build strong and tall walls around our hearts that we are unable to see the beauty that comes from within. We are so afraid of letting the walls down and showing who we really are …

Stop searching….

I’ve realized I been searching my whole life for things. There’s always something I’m searching for. Could be material stuff, a relationship, a vacation, a better job or friends. Whatever the reason we as humans are always searching for the “next best thing”.. never satisfied. Always hungry. Which brings total exhaustion. We are constantly exhausted …