
Why we crave the things we can’t have?…

Robert has fought for the attention of Claudia for the past weeks. Robert knows Claudia likes Joe. Robert still wants Claudia and the more he fights to attain her love the farthest she moves away from him. Why Roberts likes the girl he clearly knows he can’t have? Robert simply likes the challenge, and he …

Faith, friends and loving ourselves…

Hi everyone!  I want to share with you 3 points to practice for the rest of the week. I will be doing them as well. These points are based in the love I have for God, the necessity of having great friends in our lives and the importance of believing in ourselves. Love ~ and …

The 1, 2, 3 of dating and more…

A few time ago I wrote and article that is very popular about the difference about dating and relationships, which a lot of people loves, but today I want to share and talk only about DATING (ta ta ta tan). With the recollections of my experiences and my friends I want to give advice about this magical …

Don’t ever let fear turn you against your playful heart…

Usually humans beings get scared of the things they want the most in life. Especially love & career. We feel vulnerable and have the fear of failing. Talking to a friend yesterday about this topic I come to realized that I’m over this fear… I don’t longer want it. We all have to believe that …

How you fall in love?…

How do you fall in love? You don’t fall in love like you fall in a hole. You fall like falling through space. It’s like you jump off your own private planet to visit someone else’s planet. And when you get there it all looks different: the flowers, the animals, the colours people wear. It …

Stop settling for less…

  As I grow older I realized the importance to have good people in my life and when it comes to relationships I started raising the bar a little bit and having a higher standard of what type of partner I want to be part of my life. But, that’s just me and I know …