Don’t be afraid of taking risks…

I don’t live the “normal” life. I moved alone oversees at my 20’s, have quit several jobs because of the lack of challenge and growth, have travel quite a bit without a steady home and now I am my own boss. What all of these have in common? I take risks. No 1-or 2, but many risks! Ultimate goal= financial freedom to do the things I’m most passionate about. 🙂

I took a risk, no once, but many times. Why? Because is never too late to reset. To do what is right for you!

There’s so many individuals with the biggest regrets because they stay in something that they know is not right. It is easy to have the days turn to weeks to years, only to wake up with a crisis for not taking action on a problem you’re aware of 10 years prior but failed to act. I know this from real experience. I was becoming a bit depress with my routine lifestyle and taking risks have save my life!

Here is my 3 takes on risks:

The biggest regrets usually comes from things we don’t do. Most of the time we don’t do those things because we are trying to “figure out” how society tells us to live — our career situation, our dating/marriage situation, our financial situation and so on. We should not let these social expectations of “being an adult” deter you from taking some major risks and starting over. Think about it, most of us are winging adulting, so yeah stop comparing.

Do not conform your life to an ideal that you do not believe in. Live your life, don’t let it live you. Don’t be afraid of tearing it all down if you have to, you have the power to build it all back up again.

Live with less fear. Less fear. Less fear.Fear can be such a detrimental driving force in our lives. It can impact your relationships, your career, your self-image in a fiercely negative manner. Stop assuming conversations that others might be having about you and stop thinking that you might fail. Stop wondering what the outcome might be. I bet if you can see your old self it would say “If I could do it again, I would have risked more.” 

“You have to take risks. We will only understand the miracle of life fully when we allow the unexpected to happen”. Paulo Coelho

Thank you for reading!



PS. Have a little faith!

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