Are you ready to follow your intuition?

As I woke this morning I realized I didn’t want to get up. Not only I was extremely tired of sleeping 7.5 hours (sarcasm) I didn’t feel like going to work. I didn’t feel like taking the horrible line of the NYC Subway and see people, smile and pretend that everything is alright.  Don’t get me wrong..nothing bad is going on my life. I have good health, good job, great friends and family..but the cold usually hits me hard this time of the year. Anyways, after a cup of coffee everything was resolved and as I type I realized today was a great day.

When I left the office I had a huge smile…thanks to the yoga class I took too. Not only it was a good day, but it changed my mind and decided to see the positive out of the negative. Sometimes we as human beings get stuck in the negative aspects of our life and we complain a lot instead of ignoring the small rocks.

This winter season I decided to do a lot introspection. I haven’t gone out as much, I haven’t been drinking excessively and I haven’t made any choices that I regret. I been thinking lately how powerful is my intuition and how should I get better at seeing things. How should I improve this amazing quality that ALL humans beings have, but we ignore it so many times.

Sometimes I dream something and it happens or I know for sure a certain situation is not good for me and I do it. Why I ignore some much something so powerful? Good question. If we are program with an intuitive sense we all should follow that “gut feeling” and maybe help ourselves more.

For example, all the heartbreak I had in my life I knew for sure they were destined to happen. I’m not saying here I’m a negative person who doesn’t believe in love lasting, but a person who can read people well (my bff says in seconds) and even if I know they aren’t good for me I hope, yes I do, that everything changes.

So, as far as intuition goes I do believe we all should hear that little voice…not the one that talk to us all the time… instead that little voice that is certain and secure… that voice you should follow. Your subconscious mind and your heart tells you what is good for you always.

How to follow your voice? Meditate, spend time alone, exercise, eat healthier, sleep, do good, treat good and love yourself. Believe me, every time that voice will get stronger and you could save so much negative time if you really listen to yourself.

Are you ready to follow your intuition? I hope you are!

Have a great day! 🙂

Ps. As I look for pictures for this article and found The Hightest Priest. I have no idea of the meaning of the tarot cards. Guess what it means? Upright: Intuition, Higher powers, mystery, subconscious mind Reversed: Hidden agendas, need to listen to inner voice. Wow I’m telling you..intuition is real!! I was looking for art 🙂

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