Leave the pieces on the floor…

Lately I’ve talked to a lot friends who are having a hard time letting go a past relationship. Their behavior has worry me a little because they are stuck and they can’t move on. I know is a process that takes time, but I want to do a little bit of a shake and write this to them…

Sometimes when people decide to leave you for good, you have to let them, no matter how much you don’t want them to, there are some things that are far beyond our control. Even if you have the strength to fight for them you have to accept the cold harsh truth- The people who you can’t live without, can live without you.

Maybe you may not understand why this’ happening to you and you feel like your heart is in 1,000 pieces, but come on you need to stop pitying yourself. This is no one fault and having self-pity will make this process longer. You choose that person and now is time to get over them. Yep, just like that. I’m not telling you this process is going to be easy, but at the end is completely worth it.

This is a perfect time to take care of yourself and love you. Get to really know you. Sometimes we focus so much on the other that we lose track of ourselves. That is why you may feel lost after a breakup. One day you will look back and realize that experience made you stronger and hopefully smarter for the future.

Why don’t you take this time to learn what you want in a relationship and what you won’t be willing to tolerate? It’s your time…make it count! The quote that says, “everything happens for a reason” couldn’t be more accurate. If didn’t work is probably because something better will come your way, so work to have a better you and be ready for the next. Why holding on to someone who doesn’t want the amazing you? Not worth it. Take the anger and throw it way.

This time will help you to take better decisions.You will learn that your heart is not for just anyone, it’s for someone truly special. Your heart will be this huge price and is only for someone who truly deserves it.

What you feel now is part of learning and it’s part of life. You were born alone and you will die alone. Focus on getting better for the next relationship YOU WILL  definitely have. Leave behind the attachment, the expectations and the baggage.

This is your life, what you will do?…you can spend minutes hours, days, weeks, or even, months over-analyzing a situation; trying to put the pieces together, justifying what would’ve, would’ve happened…or you can leave the pieces on the floor and move the fuck on!

Your choice.

I send a huge kiss to the people who know why I wrote this.


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