I just wanna dance with you…

A couple of years ago I considered becoming a professional dancer. Not the type that dance in ballrooms shows, but the one that dance for huge artists like Michael Jackson or Madonna. I have dance for 19 years in my life from ballet to hip hop. You name it I’ve done it all! After careful consideration, I decided to keep studying and pursue dancing as a hobby. Because of this, I realized that dancing is very important in my life and having a partner who I can dance with, is a super plus.

I see it every time I go out to nightclubs. Couples full of lust, sex and love while they danced. Is like real Dirty Dancing! People immerse themselves to the music and to the expression of the body. They express what they feel through dance.

“Opportunity dances with those already on the dance floor.” H. Jackson Brown, Jr. 

Let’s see what science says…

Darwin thought that dance was part of the mate selection process and more recently two groups of researchers (Brown et al., 2005 and Fink et al., 2007) suggest that the way we dance might be influenced by our hormonal and genetic make up, such that we use dance to communicate the quality of our gens to potential mates.

  • Men with high levels of the sex hormone testosterone dance differently to men with low levels of testosterone and, most importantly, women prefer the dancing of high testosterone men.
  • When women are at the more fertile stage of their menstrual cycle they dance differently to when they are at the less fertile stage of their cycle. I have found that men rate the dancing of women who are at the fertile stage of their cycle to be more attractive than the dancing of women who are at the less fertile stage of their menstrual cycle. So what’s so different about the dancing of fertile and less fertile women? It’s all in the hips.  So, the more time men spend looking at a woman’s hips the more attractive they find her!

What I think?

In my opinion if you find a partner that can dance with you is like you won the lottery.

I’ve danced with guys that lack the passion for dancing and believe me this becomes boring after few nights out and having no one to dance to. They don’t move the hips or the shoulders.. is like dancing with a tree.

Yeah I know no one is perfect and I don’t need a guy that comes with a dancing machine label on him….but why I have to be with someone who doesn’t enjoy my favorite hobby? Or a person who doesn’t even want to try?… no!

At this point of my life I’ve realized that sharing some hobbies and interest with my partner is really important to keep up a healthy and fun relationship. So, dancing is one of my hobbies that I’m not willing to compromise. What about you? Is dancing important to you? Do you enjoy closing your eyes and getting lost in the music? Do you enjoy feeling the other person rhythm in your body? Do you enjoy expressing what you can’t with your body? Think about it.

For those who enjoy dancing with their partner kudos… you may enjoy a lot of years together. For those who don’t, I suggest you take classes together. This will bring you closer and help you in your moves. I done it…I done it all! Just try… believe me, you will have a blast with your partner.


Have a good week!



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