Mindful morning habits for a happy day!

Every morning you have a new start. The habits you form during the morning can influence your state of mind throughout the day. What you do in the 1st hours of your new day is completely up to you. However, creating a mindful routine goes a long way.

I will tell you my mindful habits since I gained consciousness of this topic and how those influence my days.

Friends: “Why are you always happy in the morning?”
Me: Well, it’s very simple I choose to be happy every morning.

Every morning you have to do an effort to make the best of it. Everything has a cause and effect, even little acts of kindness from you to you at the start of your day.

“When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.” Marcus Aurelius 

Here are some tips I do to make my morning and days better:

Having a nice morning can start from the night before. Set your alarm, have a glass of water next to your bed, read a book, avoid the phone at least 30 min before bed; and have everything set for next day –  aka to do lists and outfits.

When you open your eyes don’t make the mistake to grab your phone right away. Instead, be gentle with your wake up. Look at your surroundings. Maybe your room or the person next you.

Listen to your body and mind. Scan yourself. How are you feeling this morning? Stretch and take a deep breath. Drink your 1st glass of water!

*If you have little kids lock the door haha just kidding! Make a routine here that works with the needs of your kiddos.

The next tips are not in order, do them at your own rhythm:

Take a nice shower. Do your face cleaning routine, put the lotion, the perfume or any steps you take to feel good in your own skin.

Play some music. Happy music, music that make you dance or feel relax. Sign along if you feel like it! Here is one of my favorite songs: Bill Withers, Lovely Day

Do meditation or/and 10-30 minutes exercise. Either option will your body a boost of endorphins. These endorphins interact with the receptors in your brain that reduce your perception of pain. Endorphins also trigger a positive feeling in the body.

Eat well. Try to avoid any super sugary eats. A balance breakfast will give you the energy you need to conquer the day ahead. A happy belly is a happy heart.

Talk to someone and wish them a happy day. Spread your happy thoughts. Everything is a chain and good energy always multiplies. What you give, you will receive.

Dress how you feel. Be creative with your wardrobes and grooming. Doing this will make you feel comfortable and confident through the day.

Get ready to conquer the day and start moving! Look at your today list, emails and texts. Prioritize what is important and what can wait. This is a great asset to make your day effective and productive.

I believe this tips are a great starting point for anybody. I try to follow most of them everyday. However, sometimes I wake up feeling not so cheery and that’s OK too. I embrace this feeling and decide to be a bit more mindful to myself.

As well, I know there are other reasons that can improve your mornings habits, which involved other cardio exercises ;), coffee or receiving great news. However, don’t rely on external factors in order to achieve a great mood. Instead, attempt this steps for a least a week and see the results for yourself!

“Today I choose life. Every morning when I wake up I can choose joy, happiness, negativity, pain… To feel the freedom that comes from being able to continue to make mistakes and choices – today I choose to feel life, not to deny my humanity but embrace it. “Kevyn Aucoin

Have a wonderful day and hopefully this article helps! Feel free to let me know how it goes. I would love to hear from you!



Ps. Also, please, stop hating Monday’s. Begin your week without negativity!

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