Hi all! As I venture into the world of herbalism I found one herb that I swear by it every day: GINGER!
Many of you may know this herb is magical cure to a lot of issues and can be use in an astonishing variety of ways. Ginger especially affects respiratory system, digestive system, and circulatory system. In this post I will talk how ginger can help you cure you faster when it comes to colds and flu.
Man! March has been the month of cold for me and it has been really annoying. My immune system is obviously telling me to go to the beach, where my body belongs, but instead I’m fighting the cold weather, still, and resulting to home made remedies.
“If you could choose only one herb to use during cold or the flu, ginger might be the one. Ginger is a diffusive and stimulating. It’s perfect for getting stuck mucus flowing again. A strong cup of ginger tea will relieve congested coughs and stuffy sinuses. It can also warm you inside which is helpful for the onset of a cold or flu when you feel chilled and are shivering. Relieve a sore throat win ginger tea or a spoonful or ginger-infused honey” by Rosalee De La ForĂȘt, Alchemy of Herbs.
Here is my recipe with a kick:

Hope you like it and you feel better with this yummy recipe!