
The uncertain road, this year ahead…

With a new year ahead I wonder what this year will bring to all of us. In this divine moment of thinking I feel a rush in my veins and in my heart where I imagine the possibilities for a new future. How many new things I can discover? How many new countries I can …

Come on, get up and leave your comfort zone…

A year ago I was working in the corporate world, living in New York and dreaming about traveling the world and giving another direction to my life. I had this urge to change my life and living the comfort zone, but I didn’t know where to start. Now, a year later I’m writing from Bali …

The future is hazy…

How you see yourself in 10 years? Think well… I’m kidding, no pressure, relax and breathe 🙂 I’m not a fan of that question because no matter how much time we take on planning our lives or imagining our future the less uncertain it could be. No one knows how they see themselves in 10 …

Please don’t…

As I dream away during my work hours on my desk for the past months I realized that every dream I have can be possible. My life can’t be a constant effort to achieve other people’s goals. My life cannot be constrained to counting the my clock until is time to leave to another place. I …

Needles and butterflies kisses…

  Hi lovelies, It’s been awhile since my last post. So much that the domain got bought!! How I let that happened? Well, life happened to me. Like everything in life… I went through an awesome positive and happy period to a not happy period last year. In there I lost my ability to feel …

Are you ready to follow your intuition?

As I woke this morning I realized I didn’t want to get up. Not only I was extremely tired of sleeping 7.5 hours (sarcasm) I didn’t feel like going to work. I didn’t feel like taking the horrible line of the NYC Subway and see people, smile and pretend that everything is alright.  Don’t get …