
Your reality is reflected in your habits…

That’s about right… Your reality is reflected in your habits. As humans we have the ability to change our reality, if we don’t like where we are heading. However, it’s not an easy task for many of us. Forming new habits into our probably structure routine takes some time. In the light of this, it’s …

What we need is in the palm of our hand…

The underlying point of all studies and practices is that the happiness we seek is here to connect with at any time. The happiness we seek is our birthright. To discover it we need to be more gentle with ourselves, more compassionate toward ourselves and our universe. The happiness we seek cannot found through grasping, …

Opening our hearts…

Opening our hearts is one of the most difficult tasks people encounter in life. We have come so accustomed to build strong and tall walls around our hearts that we are unable to see the beauty that comes from within. We are so afraid of letting the walls down and showing who we really are …

Be drunk with the divine through life…

  This week I celebrate! I celebrate life… yes, my birthday is coming up and a big one, 30!! I refuse to do a list of the things I learned in the 20’s. Instead I would talk about celebrating life. Celebration is the foundation of my way of living – not renunciation but rejoicing. Rejoice …

Stop searching….

I’ve realized I been searching my whole life for things. There’s always something I’m searching for. Could be material stuff, a relationship, a vacation, a better job or friends. Whatever the reason we as humans are always searching for the “next best thing”.. never satisfied. Always hungry. Which brings total exhaustion. We are constantly exhausted …

Why we crave the things we can’t have?…

Robert has fought for the attention of Claudia for the past weeks. Robert knows Claudia likes Joe. Robert still wants Claudia and the more he fights to attain her love the farthest she moves away from him. Why Roberts likes the girl he clearly knows he can’t have? Robert simply likes the challenge, and he …