5 steps to transform bad luck into good…

Probably you have wonder one time of many times “Why I have such a bad luck?”. I had thought about it few times in my life, but I decided to transform my “bad luck” into good luck.

This is how I did it:

1. Stop thinking bad luck exists – YES that’s the first step. There’s not such thing as bad luck. Life happens and things happen. Sometimes things are bad and other times are great, that’s all. It’s very simple and instead of complicating yourself with over thinking and asking yourself “why me?” you have to know that life isn’t perfect and there are things you can’t control.

2. But, what do with the things you CAN control? – You have to find solutions to the problems. Instead of focusing on the problem focus in creating new ideas to solve those problems. That’s how you keep up the control of your life.

3. Take ownership – There are things you can’t control, but they are also things you have done (not that good) that have consequences. If you have done something you are not proud of analyze why you did them and take ownership of your mistakes. In the process don’t hurt yourself too much. We are humans and we make mistakes… it’s part of the learning experience.

4. Think positive – I can’t stress enough about this. Keeping a positive attitude brings great things in life. Start with spending 24 hours without a complaint, without judging someone… just focus on your blessing and the possible outcome that everything will find their place and things will be alright. When you have a good attitude you get more happier, you gain more confidence and people will see it and BOOM you attract goodness.

5. Believe in you – Believe that anything in your life is possible if you put the effort. Believe that your mind is soo powerful that you have the tools to achieve whatever you want. You think negative and more negative stuff will come. Remember we attract into our lives what we focus our thoughts steadily.

Hey… I know sounds easier than done, but I have done it. Anything in our lives is possible. Sometimes we have to be patient and have faith. Love, a great career, good health and amazing friends will come to your life. Everything is possible with a positive mind, good attitude and learning from any experience that isn’t a good one. Also, remember from everything you will learn and you will change… embrace those changes and be a new you.

“Don’t ruin a good day thinking about yesterday”

Hope everyone has a great Wednesday!




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