What really matters? Insight into my travel journey in Peru…

Hello! Hope everyone is safe and healthy. During this uncertain times I want to share with you a BIG realization I had while traveling to Peru. Although it’s usually a constant realization when I’m surrounded by nature; this particular one resonates with me during this time. What really matters in life?

Location: Hiking to Humantay Lake, Peru- Feb 25, 2020

I remember this day vividly. The journey to the top was 5 hrs. When I arrived I didn’t reach for my camera right away as the mountains were clearing from the fog and the scenery was too extraordinary to miss it behind a lens. I thought I was in a dream!

The mountains around me were so big that I felt small. The sound and color of water calmed my senses and suddenly everything came clear.

At that moment nothing else mattered. I felt free of my small concerns of my common life. Everything came down to the core of life itself- food, shelter, family/friends, and nature–those are the essentials, plus purpose and determination.

I told my boyfriend “take a pic now” and there I was–the fog already there but everything still. I was contemplating how wonderful and simple life really is.

I miss traveling so much, especially reaching the mountain top and being around those I love. However, this perception of life has help me cope with the new reality and what really matters.

“Given the scale of life in this cosmos, one human life is no more than a tiny blip. Each one of us is just a visitor to this planet, a guest, who will only stay for a limited time. Use this time living a meaningful life, connecting with others and being service of them.” Dalai Lama

Next time you have the opportunity and you will, please go straight to nature. You won’t be disappointed.

If you need to vent out, exchange ideas or have a friendly chat I’m all ears. Have a wonderful day all!



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