Things you learn when you are unemployed…

Unemployment is one of the hardest things a person can go through. Next to dealing with the death of a spouse, child, or parent, the fourth most emotional thing we do is to look for a job, again. From personal experience is hell, but once you accept the fact that everything is a process and that YOU will be OK you can start your search again.

Here is a list of the things you can learn from unemployment (not a list of how to get a job, you can google that haha):

1. You will freak out at first –  When you get fired or magically unemployed you could freak out, cry and be angry at the world for a while. Learning lesson? You will be fine, express those feelings and move on. Holding a grudge, having anxiety and complaining will NOT get you anywhere. Our first thought is “How I’m going to pay my stuff?” I’m going to tell you something – God always provides! Work hard. Ask for unemployment and ask for help. You will be fine!

2. Deal with the emotions – Recognize that you are emotional strained and drained. You need to get over it because the sooner you do so, the faster you’ll be able to look for a job. The longer you put it off, the harder it will be. It’s very important to rely in the people you love the most while going through this. Don’t be embarrassed and ashamed. Ask for help if is needed.

3. You will realized who are there for you – Some friends and family members will not be the “right” people to help you go through this process. You will find who are going to be there when you are low — keep your eyes open, the people who are in this process with you are the people you NEED in your life for better and worse. Do not resent on the ones who doesn’t understand your situation, just be grateful for the ones who support you, love you and cheer you up.

4. You will think about your life a LOT – Questions like “Should I keep working in this type of job?, “Should I move?, “I am really happy?” and so on. You will question your life choices a lot (past, present, future) and will have some existential questions that are not even worth of your time. You could self-doubt yourself and think that maybe you are going into the wrong path. Learning lesson? It’s ok to think about your life choices, but DO NOT over think. There are things in life we can not control, like losing a job. Focus on the present and the things you really need in your life.

5. Be grateful – Don’t focus in the negative. Be grateful you have people who love you, that you have food, a bed to sleep in and even a computer to read articles like this who help you go through bad times. Also, that computer will help you look for a job you really like. Glance a flower, feel the wind, and appreciate that you are alive. Be grateful about life!

6. Enjoy the free time – One of the aspects I learned was to relax and breath from time to time. Looking for a job is another full-time job. I remembered waking up every day super anxious to find a job. I didn’t sleep well, cried often and felt useless without a job. Learning lesson? Take a b r e a k. Put a task to send at least 10 applications everyday and take weekends off. Enjoy life! When you feel drained take a walk, eat/ drink comfort food, dance, exercise, talk to someone or just listen to music.

7. You are AMAZING! – Don’t sell yourself too short. Don’t be hard on yourself. Look to your accomplishments. Be grateful. Learned from the past and make better decisions. Because you are AMAZING you deserve to be in a great company, find it! Write your strengths and the things you need to improve. Update your resume, spread the word, be positive and imagine you will find a job. Don’t be lazy and don’t procrastinate. This is the time to be strong and prove your worth!

There are no tasks or problems we can’t resolve in our lives. We have the capacities to be positive and super achievers in everything we want the most in life. I don’t believe in the words “impossible”, “I can’t, “It is hard”… cut those words from your vocabulary. Don’t compare yourself to anyone. Everybody has their own journey. Surround yourself with positive vibes. Do whatever it takes to be a better you, the happy and successful person you know you are. Sometimes we have to hit rock bottom to learn about us.

Now, do what you have to do and go and get them! arghhh 🙂



  1. MomentumMikey

    loved it!! i was suddenly unemployed and finally found time to start the writing I had been wanting to do for the last year. You are so right on the “don’t overthink it” part, it’s tough to NOT feel fear once in a while- but it is a GREAT building of personal strength and intuition. Thanks for the post. My own Positivity has blossomed and helped me in a huge way. It’s also been a great break. who doesn’t need one of those! thanks again, 🙂

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