The uncertain road, this year ahead…

With a new year ahead I wonder what this year will bring to all of us. In this divine moment of thinking I feel a rush in my veins and in my heart where I imagine the possibilities for a new future. How many new things I can discover? How many new countries I can visit? What new job I will take? How satisfied will I be with the next new year ahead? As I ponder all the possibilities I can’t help but stop my crazy brain and say “relaxxx, whatever be, it will be”.

Here is a gif of a cat inside of a banana to help you relax…

Back at it…

It’s very easy to get lost in thoughts and to overanalyze the possible outcomes to a history that hasn’t been written yet. I always have a tendency to see all the possible ways I can create my life, but this for sure takes a toll on me. How you do manage to slow down your daily life when you are bombarded with information and media 24/7? For example, like reading articles online: 50 New Places to Travel in 2017, Best Careers in 2017, Best Beauty Products to Buy in 2017, and the lists goes on! We get so much information and suggestions and on my personal note I feel I want to do all, see all, buy all and also trying to managed my beloved FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). This era is not easy. Sometimes I joke with my friends that we are not from this era, we are all romantics. We like theĀ letters in the mail, we like the random interactions, we like the real and genuine connections and the smell of a new book in our hands, but yeah we are in the future now… and the cars will fly soon!

Although we are more connected than ever at the same time I feel a little lost. I even secretly wish that for at least one week we have no access to the internet. Call me crazy, but think about wonderful it will be to talk to our neighbors? Get to know better the people you love the most? To do more outdoor stuff? To go to restaurants and bars without checking the reviews first? To take pictures just for the sake of it instead of showing the world what you are doing?


Sigh,I need to apply the above to myself too… This world we live has too much to offer now and we cannot be obsessed to be on the NOW all the time. How will you make 2017 one of the best years of your life is up to you. Remember: your choices, your destiny. So, my simple suggestions for a better and productive year ahead are:

Create a morning routine
Set goals
Listen to more music
Take time off social media and TV
Read more books
Cultivate better relationships

Hope you like my little tantrum and my best wishes for the next upcoming year!


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