8 steps to make a good first impression…

Does the first impression really count? Oh yes! At least in my book having a good first impression of someone is a great beginning for a good relationship. Sometimes, it takes just a quick glance, maybe 5 seconds, for someone to evaluate you when they meet you for the first time. Making a good first …

I could die right now and I would be happy…

If someone tells you today that you are dying tomorrow, can you look back at your life and say: “I’m satisfied with my life”. I know nobody wants to die tomorrow and I don’t want to put a sad mood here, but the reality is that we all going to die someday. Personally if I …

20 things I learn on my late 20’s, until now…

1. Friends come and go – the friends you have now may not stick to you when you don’t feel like partying later on. Learn to differentiate the real ones and the ones who only want you when is time to party. 2. Hangovers – At 21 your hangover could last like 2 hours and …

What your drink says about you?

People like to drink. I like to drink and I know a lot of people who loves to drink. Your beverage of choice can say a lot about your mood and a lot of who you are. You might not be aware of it, but it’s true. Every time you order a certain drink at …

The first time I saw you…

The first time I saw you I was not sure how I felt. I’ve been through this process before, so many times. Saying Hi!, talking about random insignificant things…having a few laughs…having some beers… I usually say the same things to my girlfriends: “He’s nice… really intelligent…interesting…feels different…I’m so happy…I’m having fun!” They said: “Good for …