As I grow older I realized the importance to have good people in my life and when it comes to relationships I started raising the bar a little bit and having a higher standard of what type of partner I want to be part of my life. But, that’s just me and I know …
You have to accept the fact that you are living alone – maybe in a crowd, but you are living alone; maybe with your wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, but they are alone in their aloneness, you are alone in your aloneness, and those “alonenesses” don´t touch each other, never touch each other. That you may live …
It is possible to get attached to people who aren’t in our lives? Yes, it is. If you realized that you have thought the same thing over and over again, not just in the course of a day but every day, then that is attachment. Personally I have struggle of letting go and detaching myself …
The Universe loves gratitude, so this month make a commitment to give thanks each day. Every day look for things to be grateful for. Make “thank you” you catchphrase. As you walk from one place to another, say “thank you” with every step. Begin each day with the words “thank you”, and make your last …
By pleasing others we sometimes forget we also have to please ourselves. The other day I was encountering an experience where a family member of mine was being negative towards me about a decision in my life. Of course this hurt me a lot, but someone in this process told me this: “think about your …
Are you in a situation where you don’t know what path to take? We all been there. Sometimes we don’t see clearly and we put pressure in ourselves to make a decision. That’s why I decided to share with you some techniques I have learned to ease this process: Step 1: Write the cons and …